Do you usually have your canopy collapse in the winter time because of excessive snow piled up on top? well Ace canopy has designed the
snow canopy which is specifically designed for snow and its heavy duty frame helps from collapsing. The
snow canopy comes in many different sizes and in two different colors, silver & white. The
snow canopy comes with an enclosement kit which is heavy duty 12 mil 6.5 oz per square yard, and the top is mildew resistant, tear resistant 12 mil thickness 6.05 oz per square yard. You will be satisfied with your
snow canopy and you can trust the canopy for storage or for your vehicle to replace costly carports. Also the snow canopy comes with a 3 year warranty on top and corrosion on the poles. The warranty is automatically added to your order at no extra cost! we encourage you to take advantage of our spring sale and take a look at our snow canopy section.
Thank You,
Ace Canopy
The snow canopy I purchased is excellent .
Thank You,
Mike Kulich
I did'nt think this snow canopy would last through this recent snow storm. The last one i had collasped on very valueable pieace of the merchandise. I had to find a company that would offer me highy quality frame work and I found it.
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